Your Money, Your Goals: A Financial Empowerment Course

"Your Money Your Goals" is a financial empowerment course that equips individuals with the knowledge and tools needed to take control of their financial future. Join us and learn how to make better informed financial decisions and achieve greater financial well-being. Available in English and Spanish.

English Classes
Date: Fridays, Sept. 22 - Oct. 27
Time: 10:30AM-12PM
Location: Stanton City Hall
(7800 Katella Ave.)
To register, please call (714) 379-0129 or click here.
English Flyer

Spanish Classes
Date: Mondays, Sept. 18 - Oct. 23
Time: 10:30AM-12PM
Location: Stanton City Hall
(7800 Katella Ave.)
To register, please call (714) 379-0129 or click here.
Spanish Flyer